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Downers Grove (South) d. Lockport (Twp.), 10-15, 15-9, 15-10Play-by-PlayGame 1 DGS-Lock: DGS-Lock : Jenny Splant : Kelly Fash kill from the cetner: 0-1 : Jenny Splant : Julie Zschau illegal hit trying to chase bad set: 0-2 : Jenny Splant : Stephanie Jackson under net: Julie Zschau : ace: 1-2 Julie Zschau : net serve : Stephanie Jackson : Colleen Daly blocks overpass as Lockport is in net: Colleen Daly : Kelly Fash on quickset from center : Meg Ward : Jenny Kasper off block and out: 1-3 : Meg Ward : Chantel Reedus is in net on spike: 1-4 : Meg Ward : Ashley Ritter blokcs overpass to middle: 1-5 : Meg Ward ; Ashley Ritter and Kelly Fash on block on Chantel Reedus: 1-6 : TIMEOUT DOWNERS GROVE SOUTH : Meg Ward : Kelly Fash blocks kill atttempt from back row: 1-7 : Meg Ward : Amanda Czechowski dumps to right sideline Kelsey Manning : Jenny Kasper dinks over block on left side : Lisa Zebell : Chantel Reedus sharp spike down the left side Liz Ortegel : Chantel Reedus hits into net from sharp left : Jenny Kasper : Julie Zschau spike from left side Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson kill from left side : Lisa Rinando : Erika Van Hootegem kill on backset Erika Van Hootegem : Colleen Daly and Bronwen Jones block: 2-7 Erika Van Hootegem : Stephanie Jackson can't handle bad set: 3-7 Erika Van Hootegem : Jenny Kasper hits into net from deep in back row: 4-7 Erika Van Hootegem : Stephanie Jackson off block on the left side and out of bounds : Jenny Splant : Colleen Daly kills from bad angle on left side Julie Zschau : Bronwen Jones blokcs overpass: 5-7 Julie Zschau: net serve : Stephanie Jackson : Kelly Fash tips over middle for pt: 5-8 : Stephanie Jackson : Liz Ortegel called for illegal hit as dump fails: 5-9 : Stephanie Jackson : Lisa Rinando dumps to middle: 5-10 : TIMEOUT DOWNERS GROVE SOUTH : Stephanie Jackson : Colleen Daly hits off block on left side Colleen Daly : Colleen Daly hits bad ball way long : Meg Ward : Chantel Reedus rises about the net to put away a crosscourt blast Bronwen Jones : Kelly Fash files a missile past the end line: 6-10 Bronwen Jones : Kelly Fash hits into triple block and down for sideout : Lisa Zebell : net serve Liz Ortegel : Chantel Reedus block at net: 7-10 Liz Ortegel : Lisa Zebell hits crosscourt kill : Jenny Kasper : Chantel Reedus spikes down from right side Chantel Reedus : ace off Ashley Ritter : 8-10 TIMEOUT LOCKPORT Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson kills as DGS is in net : Lisa Rinando : Erika Van Hootegem hits out of bounds: 8-11 : Lisa Rinando : Colleen Daly hits long from left: 8-12 : Lisa Rinando : Stephanie Jackson swings long on crosscourt shot Erika Van Hootegem : Leslie Przekwas dinks over middle : Jenny Splant: Julie Zschau dinks oer right Kelly Baker : Stephanie Jackson kills down left side : Stephanie Jackson : Colleen Daly hits long from left side: 8-13 : Stephanie Jackson : Kelly Fash is long from the center Colleen Daly : Chantel Reedus a rocket down the left side: 9-13 Colleen Daly : four hits on Lockport: 10-13 TIMEOUT LOCKPORT Colleen Daly : serves long : Meg Ward : Chantel Reedus hits down ball into middle of net: 10-14 : Meg Ward : Lisa Zebell hits long from back row: 10-15 Game 2 DGS-Lock: DGS-Lock Erika Van Hootegem : Lisa Rinando illegal hit trying to backset: 1-0 Erika Van Hootegem : Colleen Daly hits bad set behind antenna : Stephanie Jackson : Kelly Fash kill as DGS is in net: 1-1 : Stephanie Jackson : Colleen Daly hits into net: 1-2 : Stephanie Jackson : Colleen Daly hits into antenna: 1-3 : Stephanie Jackson : Julie Zschau hits from middle for sideout Julie Zschau : Kelly Fash hits from middle : Meg Ward : Kelly Fash reaches up to kill from middle: 1-4 : Meg Ward : Chantel Reedus pokes ball out of bounds on left: 1-5 : Meg Ward : Ashley Ritter dumps for pt: 1-6 : TIMEOUT DOWNERS GROVE SOUTH : Meg Ward : Colleen Daly spikes from left as Lockport is in net Colleen Daly : net serve on jumper : Lisa Zebell : Chantel Reedus paddles a crosscourt winner Bronwen Jones : Chantel Reedus knocks one off the block: 2-6 Bronwen Jones ; Jenny Kasper hits into antenna on left: 3-6 Bronwen Jones : Chantel Reedus rockets a crosscourt blast: 4-6 TIMEOUT LOCKPORT Bronwen Jones : Chantel Reedus yet another crosscourt blast for pt: 5-6 Bronwen Jones : DGS is in net : Jenny Kasper : Erika Van Hootegem kills as cannons sound outside Liz Ortegel : Stephanie Jackson hits out of bounds: 6-6 Liz Ortegel : ae off Jenny Kasper : 7-6 Liz Ortegel ; Leslie Przekwas flubs downball into net: 8-6 Liz Ortegel : free ball is blocked into net by Erika Van Hootegem : Lisa Rinando : Erika Van Hootegem up high for kill from middle Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson hits into net from left: 9-6 Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson blocked from left side: 10-6 TIMEOUT LOCKPORT Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson pushes ballinto net -- 4 hits: 11-6 Chantel Reedus : Julie Zschau down right side for another pt: 12-6 Chantel Reedus : Leslie Przekwas winds up from center and scores a kill : Jenny Splant : Stephanie Jackson hits into net Erika Van Hootegem : Kelly Fash kill from left side : Stephanie Jackson : Chantel Reedus kill from left side: Julie Zschau : Kelly Fash off block in center : Meg Ward : Ashley Ritter and Kelly Fash block on left side: 12-7 : Meg Ward : Bronwen Jones blocks Kelly Fash: Colleen Daly : Chantel Reedus swings long : Lisa Zebell : Bronwen Jones knocks backset to the ground Bronwen Jones : Leslie Przekwas off block in center : Jenny Kasper : Lockport in net Liz Ortegel : Leslie Przekwas blocks serve for sideout : Lisa Rinando : Julie Zschau swings from eleft side for sideout Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson pushes ball down left side for sideout : Jenny Splant : Colleen Daly hits into antenna: 12-8 : Jenny Splant : more cannon fire as Stephanie Jackson blocks Julie Zschau : 12-9 : TIMEOUT DGS : Jenny Splant : Colleen Daly swings from left Erika Van Hootegem : Colleen Daly swings from left for pt.: 13-9 Erika Van Hootegem : Julie Zschau kills from right side into block: 14-9 Erika Van Hootegem : Stephanie Jackson swings over block and down : Stephanie Jackson : Colleen Daly off block on left side for sideout Kelly Baker : Colleen Daly off the block again for game pt: 15-9 Game 3 DGS-Lock: DGS-Lock : Jenny Splant : Liz Ortegel hits into antenna on left: 0-1 : Jenny Splant : ace in front of Chantel Reedus : 0-2 : Jenny Splant : Colleen Daly swings from left side for kill Julie Zschau : Kelly Fash kills from left side off block : Stephanie Jackson : Liz Ortegel fails on dump lefthanded : 0-3 : Stephanie Jackson : Bronwen Jones kill Colleen Daly : Chantel Reedus kill into block: 1-3 Colleen Daly : miscommunication : Meg Ward : Chantel Reedus hits into net: 1-4 : Meg Ward : ace serve of Erika Van Hootegem : 1-5 : Meg Ward : Jenny Kasper hits off block on left side: 1-6 : TIMEOUT DGS : Meg Ward : Kelly Fash dinks for pt.: 1-7 : Meg Ward : Jenny Kasper blocks Bronwen Jones on right side: 1-8 : Meg Ward : Liz Ortegel dinsk for sideout Bronwen Jones : Jenny Kasper kill from left side for sideout : Lisa Zebell : Maureen Monahan big kill from the left side Liz Ortegel : Jenny Kasper lift during dinkfest: 2-8 Liz Ortegel : Erika Van Hootegem blocks at center: 3-8 TIMEOUT LOCKPORT Liz Ortegel : Kelly Fash hits into net from back row: 4-8 Liz Ortegel ; serves wide : Jenny Kasper : Leslie Przekwas and Ashley Ritter block on left side: 4-9 : Jenny Kasper : Stephanie Jackson swings and misses at set Chantel Reedus : Erika Van Hootegem spins one over the block in the middle: 5-9 Chantel Reedus : can't get serve over in three: 6-9 Chantel Reedus : net serve : Lisa Rinando : more cannon fusilades from ISU football game as Stephanie Jackson hits long Erika Van Hootegem : Julie Zschau hits wide left : Jenny Splant : serves left Kelly Baker : Stephanie Jackson hits long: 7-9 Kelly Baker : Kelly Fash cross court blasts for sideout : Stephanie Jackson : Kelly Fash hits center set way left Colleen Daly : lift on Kelly Fash after blocked serve: 8-9 Colleen Daly : Erika Van Hootegem hits down ball out of bounds after great saves : Meg Ward : Chantel Reedus off block on left side Bronwen Jones : Chantel Reedus pokes one over block: 9-9 TIMEOUT LOCKPORT Bronwen Jones : Liz Ortegel dumps for point: 10-9 Bronwen Jones : Kelly Fash hits wide right: 11-9 Bronwen Jones ; four hits on DGS : Lisa Zebell : Leslie Przekwas and Ashley Ritter block Chantel Reedus: 11-10 : Lisa Zebell : net serve Liz Ortegel : Leslie Przekwas quickset from center : Jenny Kasper : Erika Van Hootegem hits into block in center for sideout Chantel Reedus : Julie Zschau kills from cneter as Lockport is in net: 12-10 Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson hits into net: 13-10 Chantel Reedus : Stephanie Jackson blocked by Erika Van Hootegem and Julie Zschau: 14-10 Chantel Reedus : Erika Van Hootegem kills on backset for match: 15-10 BoxscoreDowners Grove (South) "Mustangs" (34-7) Coach: Denise Lazzeroni (3rd yr., 107-18) No. Player Assists Kills Blocks Serv. Pts. Aces Total Pts. 3 Erika Van Hootegem 1 2 5 6 0 2 4 Amanda Czechowski 5 Liz Ortegel 31 3 0 6 2 6 6 Sarah Piekielny 7 Jenny Olson 8 Kelsey Manning 10 Kelly Baker 0 0 0 1 0 1 11 Maureen Monahan 12 Julie Zschau 4 7 4 3 0 3 13 Kelly West 14 Colleen Daly 0 10 2 7 0 7 15 Bronwen Jones 0 3 3 7 0 7 18 Linda Di Prospero 24 Chantel Reedus 0 12 1 11 1 11 27 Lindsey Filkins Game 1 Totals 8 8 6 10 1 10 Game 2 Totals 18 18 4 15 1 15 Game 3 Totals 10 11 5 15 1 15 Match Totals 36 37 15 40 3 40 Lockport (Twp.) "Porters" (34-7) Coach: Julia Hudson (17th yr., 525-136-1) No. Player Assists Kills Blocks Serv. Pts. Aces Total Pts. 1 Natalie Vazzana 2 Carrie Mitchell 3 Katie Berganske 4 Meggan McCarthy 5 Stephanie Jackson 0 5 1 7 0 7 6 Trisha Jakel 7 Lisa Rinando 1 0 0 2 0 2 8 Meg Ward 18 0 1 16 1 16 9 Kelly Fash 1 10 3 1 0 1 10 Leslie Przekwas 0 4 3 0 0 0 11 Ashley Ritter 1 3 3 0 0 0 12 Jenny Kasper 0 3 0 1 0 1 13 Mary Vashkelis 14 Lisa Zebell 0 0 0 1 0 1 15 Jenny Splant 1 1 0 6 0 6 Game 1 Totals 9 10 3 15 0 15 Game 2 Totals 7 9 4 9 0 9 Game 3 Totals 6 7 4 10 2 10 Match Totals 22 26 11 34 2 34 |