Last updated at 6:17:09 pm on Friday, June 5, 2009.
2009 IHSA Boys Volleyball State Tournament Hoffman Estates High School June 5-6, 2009 Buffalo Grove vs. Carol Stream (Glenbard North) Buffalo Grove Reg. Total A K B Pts. Aces Pts. 1 Joe Duda 0 1 0 3 0 3 2 Dan Wichmann 19 0 1 2 0 2 3 Chris Falknor 0 7 0 4 2 6 4 Mike Jambrone 0 0 1 6 0 6 5 John Ward 6 Lukas Karch 7 Chris Shanahan 0 8 1 6 0 6 9 Nick Mau 10 Alex Kob 11 Nick Baronti 0 4 2 1 0 1 12 Sam Wacker 0 0 2 0 0 0 13 Mike Woodnorth 14 Brian Urban 15 Jason Dubs 16 Jamie Scnittker Game 1 Totals 9 10 2 10 0 10 Game 2 Totals 10 10 5 12 2 14 Game 3 Totals Match Totals 19 20 7 22 2 24 Carol Stream (Glenbard North) Reg. Total A K B Pts. Aces Pts. 1 Yash Menta 2 Matt Croson 3 Mike Arnone 4 Raemon Bisharat 18 2 0 1 0 1 5 Adam Mark 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 Chris Kosirog 2 8 1 2 2 4 7 Ryan Ritchie 8 Andrew Chartrand 0 2 2 0 0 0 9 Zak Karim 10 Kyle Schwetz 0 3 2 0 1 1 11 Nick Marks 0 4 1 0 0 0 12 Tyler Gustafson 0 3 0 5 0 5 13 Matthew Pemberton Game 1 Totals 11 11 2 2 1 3 Game 2 Totals 9 11 4 9 2 11 Game 3 Totals Match Totals 20 22 6 11 3 14
2009 IHSA Boys Volleyball State Tournament Hoffman Estates High School June 5-6, 2009 Buffalo Grove Bison (30-5) Coach Matt Aiello 3rd yr., 89-19 Carol Stream (Glenbard North) Panthers (21-7) Coach Dedra DeBenedetti yr., Referee: Kathy Diamond, Woodridge Umpire: Louis Green, Evanston Game 1 BG-GN BG-GN Dan Wichmann Chris Kosirog slips past block for pt 0-1 Raemon Bisharat Chris Shanahan kill goes down sideline 1-1 Chris Shanahan Chris Kosirog kill goes down side 1-2 Tyler Gustafson reguar pt 2-2 Joe Duda regular pt 2-3 Adam Mark net serve 3-3 Nick Baronti Bisons cant keep ball in play 3-4 Chris Kosirog ace serve 3-5 Chris Kosirog serve is long 4-5 Chris Falknor Tyler Gustafson kill goes into corner 4-6 Andrew Chartrand Chris Shanahan kill goes deep into back 5-6 Mike Jambrone Tyler Gustafson hits ball into net 6-6 Mike Jambrone Sam Wacker tips ball as it goes out 6-7 Kyle Schwetz serve is long 7-7 Dan Wichmann -- Tyler Gustafson hits ball out of bounds 8-7 Dan Wichmann Andrew Chartrand hits ball out of bounds 9-7 Dan Wichmann Raemon Bisharat slips ball over net for pt 9-8 Raemon Bisharat Nick Marks SPIKES OUT OF BOUNDS 10-8 Chris Shanahan regular pt 11-8 Chris Shanahan regular pt 12-8 TIME OUT GLENBARD NORTH Chris Shanahan Chris Kosirog gets past block 12-9 Tyler Gustafson Tyler Gustafson hits ball out of bounds 13-9 Joe Duda Buffalo Grove into net 13-10 Adam Mark Nick Baronti block goes out 13-11 Adam Mark Chris Kosirog hits out 14-11 Nick Baronti Mike Jambrone cant get it over net 15-11 Nick Baronti Chris Shanahan doesnt get ball over net 15-12 Chris Kosirog net serve 16-12 Chris Falknor lift on Glenbard North 17-12 Chris Falknor Kyle Schwetz hits into middle 17-13 Andrew Chartrand Kyle Schwetz and Raemon Bisharat block goes out 18-13 Mike Jambrone Kyle Schwetz tips ball over for pt 18-14 Kyle Schwetz Chris Shanahan kill goes cross court 19-14 Dan Wichmann Nick Marks hits ball into back corner for pt 19-15 Raemon Bisharat Nick Baronti finds a hole for pt in center c ourt 20-15 Chris Shanahan Adam Mark slams into corner for pt 20-16 Tyler Gustafson Chris Falknor kill is good 21-16 Joe Duda Mike Jambrone fumbles and loses ball 22-16 TIME OUT GLENBARD NORTH Joe Duda Joe Duda tips ball over for pt 23-16 Joe Duda Nick Baronti and Mike Jambrone blocks for pt 24-16 Joe Duda Chris Falknor hits ball out of bounds 24-17 Adam Mark Andrew Chartrand and Kyle Schwetz blocks for pt 24-18 Adam Mark Chris Falknor gets into center for match pt. 25-18 Game 2 BG-GN BG-GN Raemon Bisharat serve is long 1-0 Chris Shanahan Tyler Gustafson hits ball down side and out 2-0 Chris Shanahan rotation error on Glenbard North 3-0 Chris Shanahan Chris Kosirog cant tip ball over net 4-0 Chris Shanahan Nick Marks hits ball out 5-0 Chris Shanahan Tyler Gustafson kills 5-1 Tyler Gustafson Nick Marks and Chris Kosirog block is good 5-2 Tyler Gustafson lift on Bison 5-3 Tyler Gustafson Nick Baronti gets into net 5-4 Tyler Gustafson Nick Marks hits ball into back court for pt 5-5 Tyler Gustafson Andrew Chartrand hits ball in front of Chris Shanahan and Joe Duda 5-6 Tyler Gustafson Nick Baronti hits ball off of Tyler Gustafson for pt 6-6 Joe Duda Nick Marks gets past Dan Wichmann for pt 6-7 Adam Mark Andrew Chartrand blocks for pt 6-8 Adam Mark Raemon Bisharat cant dig it out 7-8 Nick Baronti Chris Kosirog kill goes into corner 7-9 Chris Kosirog Andrew Chartrand finds a hole in center court for pt 7-10 Chris Kosirog ace serve 7-11 TIME OUT BUFFALO GROVE Chris Kosirog Chris Falknor hits ball out of bounds 7-12 Chris Kosirog Glenbard North into net 8-12 Chris Falknor ace serve 9-12 Chris Falknor Chris Shanahan tips ball over for pt 10-12 Chris Falknor Chris Kosirog gets past block fo rpt 10-13 Andrew Chartrand net serve 11-13 Mike Jambrone Dan Wichmann hits out of bounds 11-14 Kyle Schwetz ace serve 11-15 Kyle Schwetz Chris Shanahan gets past block for pt 12-15 Dan Wichmann Tyler Gustafson gets over net 12-16 Raemon Bisharat regular pt 12-17 Raemon Bisharat Raemon Bisharat tips ball as it goes out 13-17 Chris Shanahan Nick Marks tips ball over net for pt 13-18 Tyler Gustafson Nick Baronti gets past Raemon Bisharat for pt 14-18 Joe Duda Nick Marks gets past block for pt 14-19 Adam Mark Chris Falknor kill is good 15-19 Nick Baronti Chris Falknor and Chris Shanahan fumble for ball 15-20 Chris Kosirog net violation for Glenbard North 16230 Chris Falknor lift on Glenbard North 17-20 Chris Falknor Chris Shanahan kills cross court 18-20 Chris Falknor Kyle Schwetz hits ball out 19-20 TIME OUT BUFFALO GROVE Chris Falknor Raemon Bisharat tips over net for pt 19-21 Andrew Chartrand Mike Jambrone gets into corner for pt 20-21 Mike Jambrone Chris Shanahan slams into center for pt and tie game 21-21 Mike Jambrone Chris Shanahan kill goes into back for pt 22-21 TIME OUT GLENBARD NORTH Mike Jambrone Raemon Bisharat tips out of bounds 23-21 Mike Jambrone Matthew Pemberton hits ball out of bounds 24-21 Mike Jambrone Tyler Gustafson hits ball into net 25-21