Boys Volleyball State Final Results
Buffalo Grove d. New Lenox (Providence), 15-12, 15-5
Referee: Casey Degutis, Berwyn Umpire: Joan Fesl, Arlington Heights
Game 1
Brent Agran: regular point. -- 1-0
-- Rhyen Staley: sideout
Jay Stec: Scott Miller kills for point -- 2-0
Jay Stec: sideout
-- Tim Peceniak: Brian Gerken hits for sideout
Aaron Taggart: Brad Stoub kills for sideout
-- Brad Stoub: Robbie Martin hits out for sideout
Matt Aiello: ace serve for point. -- 3-0
Matt Aiello: Aaron Taggart tips into middle for point -- 4-0
Matt Aiello: serves long for sideout
-- Sean Airola: Scott Miller illegal hit for point. -- 4-1
-- Sean Airola: Dan Ahern down the middle for sideout
Scott Miller: ace serve -- 5-1
Scott Miller: ace serve -- 6-1
(Timeout Providence)
Scott Miller: sideout
-- Luke Olczyk: Joe Gustafson soft spike for point -- 6-2
-- Luke Olczyk: Rhyen Staley crosscourt kill for point -- 6-3
-- Luke Olczyk: ace serve for point -- 6-4
-- Luke Olczyk: Jay Stec kills for sideout
Dan Ahern: Rhyen Staley crosscourt kill for sideout
-- Joe Gustafson: Brad Stoub kills for point -- 6-5
-- Joe Gustafson: Rhyen Staley kill is blocked out of bounds for point -- 6-6
-- Joe Gustafson: Scott Miller kills down the middle for sideout
Brent Agran: Rhyen Staley hits out for point -- 7-6
Brent Agran: Brad Stoub blasts one down the middle for sideout
-- Rhyen Staley: Robbie Martin can't keep it inbounds for sideout
Jay Stec: sideout
-- Tim Peceniak: regular point -- 7-7
-- Tim Peceniak: sideout
Aaron Taggart: Luke Olczyk blasts one down the middle for sideout
-- Brad Stoub: Scott Miller kills for sideout
Matt Aiello: ace serve off of Luke Olczyk for point. -- 8-7
Matt Aiello: serves long for sideout
-- Sean Airola: net foul on Buffalo Grove for point. -- 8-8
-- Sean Airola: Scott Miller kills for sideout
Scott Miller: Jay Stec kills along the sideline for point. -- 9-8
Scott Miller: ace serve for point -- 10-8
Scott Miller: ace serve for point -- 11-8
(Timeout Providence)
Scott Miller: regular point -- 12-8
Scott Miller: Rhyen Staley can't get through the block for point -- 13-8
Scott Miller : Luke Olczyk running jump shot is good for sideout
-- Luke Olczyk: serves long for sideout
Dan Ahern: Rhyen Staley hits out for point -- 14-8
Dan Ahern: net violation on Jay Stec for sideout
-- Joe Gustafson: Jay Stec tips through the block for sideout
Brent Agran: Brad Stoub hits through the block for sideout
-- Rhyen Staley: Brad Stoub blasts one for point -- 14-9
-- Rhyen Staley: Brad Stoub kills for point -- 14-10
(Timeout Buffalo Grove)
-- Rhyen Staley: Matt Aiello crosscourt kill goes out for point -- 14-11
-- Rhyen Staley: sideout
Jay Stec: sideout
-- Tim Peceniak: Brad Stoub blocks Scott Miller for point -- 14-12
(Timeout Buffalo Grove)
-- Tim Peceniak: Scott Miller crosscourt kill is just inside backline for sideout
Brian Gerken: Brad Stoub kills long for game point -- 15-12
Game 2
Brent Agran: Matt Aiello gets through the Tim Peceniak and Brad Stoub block -- 1-0
Brent Agran: regular point -- 2-0
Brent Agran: Brad Stoub crosscourt blaster for sideout
-- Rhyen Staley: Matt Aiello crosscourt kill for sideout
Jay Stec: Scott Miller kills for point -- 3-0
Jay Stec: Brad Stoub kills for sideout
-- Brett Krapil: Chris Lenart gets through the double block for point -- 3-1
-- Brett Krapil: Brian Gerken tips into the middle for sideout
Aaron Taggart: Luke Olczyk blasts one off of Brent Agran for sideout
-- Brad Stoub: double hit on Joe Gustafson for sideout
Matt Aiello: Luke Olczyk kills for sideout
-- Sean Airola: illegal hit on Sean Airola sideout
Scott Miller: sideout
-- Luke Olczyk: sideout
Dan Ahern: Brian Gerken tips into the middle for point. -- 4-1
Dan Ahern: Brian Gerken blocks Rhyen Staley for point -- 5-1
Dan Ahern: Brad Stoub kills into the corner for sideout
-- Joe Gustafson: Brian Gerken kills for sideout
Brent Agran: Brad Stoub kills long for point -- 6-1
Brent Agran: Rhyen Staley is blocked out of bounds by Jay Stec for sideout
-- Rhyen Staley: Matt Aiello kills out for point -- 6-2
-- Rhyen Staley: illegal hit on Chris Lenart for sideout
Jay Stec: Brad Stoub kills down the middle for sideout
-- Brett Krapil: Scott Miller kills for sideout
(Timeout Providence)
Brian Gerken: Matt Aiello mishandles the return for sideout
-- Brad Stoub: Joe Gustafson goes into the net for sideout
Matt Aiello: Brent Agran tips for point -- 7-2
Matt Aiello: net serve
-- Sean Airola: Matt Aiello hits out for point -- 7-3
-- Sean Airola: Rhyen Staley crosscourt kill is good for point -- 7-4
-- Sean Airola: Dan Ahern and Scott Miller block for sideout
Scott Miller: ace serve for point -- 8-4
Scott Miller: Luke Olczyk hits long for point -- 9-4
Scott Miller: Jay Stec gets past Luke Olczyk for point -- 10-4
(Timeout Providence)
Scott Miller: Rhyen Staley kills for sideout
-- Luke Olczyk: serves out for sideout
Dan Ahern: Rhyen Staley kills out for point -- 11-4
Dan Ahern: Brian Gerken kills for point -- 12-4
Dan Ahern: Brian Gerken crosscourt kill along the sideline for point -- 13-4
Dan Ahern: Brad Stoub kills long for point -- 14-4
Dan Ahern: Joe Gustafson kills for sideout
-- Joe Gustafson: Rhyen Staley kills for point -- 14-5
-- Joe Gustafson: Jay Stec gets one past Brad Stoub for sideout
Brent Agran: Rhyen Staley soft spike into the middle for sideout
-- Rhyen Staley: Brian Gerken kills for sideout
Jay Stec: Scott Miller kill gets past Rhyen Staley for match point -- 15-5
Buffalo Grove defeats New Lenox (Providence) 15-12, 15-5
Buffalo Grove
Reg. Total
A K B Pts. Aces Pts.
6 Gerken 0 5 2 2 0 2
15 Stec 0 4 1 1 2 3
7 Ahern 0 3 1 6 0 6
4 Aiello 14 2 0 2 2 4
8 Miller 4 8 0 6 4 10
11 Taggart 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Clement 0 1 0 0 0 0
Game 1 Totals 11 14 0 7 8 15
Game 2 Totals 10 11 6 14 1 15
Match Totals 21 25 6 21 9 30
New Lenox (Providence)
Reg. Total
A K B Pts. Aces Pts.
31 Martin 0 1 1 0 0 0
22 Stoub 1 10 1 0 0 0
20 Peceniak 0 0 0 1 1 2
4 Olczyk 2 5 1 2 1 3
33 Gustafson 0 2 0 3 0 3
10 Staley 12 9 0 5 0 5
1 Airola 0 0 0 4 0 4
32 Lenart 0 1 0 0 0 0
Game 1 Totals 12 14 3 10 2 12
Game 2 Totals 12 14 0 5 0 5
Match Totals 24 28 3 15 2 17