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Elmhurst (York) d. Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest) 12-15, 15-6, 15-4Play-By-Play
Elmhurst (York) “Dukes” (33-3) Coach Andy Laux 4th yr., 88-35-4 Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest) “Huskies” (32-6) Coach John Kasik 6th yr. 163-54-1 Referee: Nancy Nester, Gurnee Umpire: Peg Campana, Aurora Game 1 York-OPRF -- York-OPRF -- Ethan Siegle - regular pt. -- 0-1 -- Ethan Siegle - regular pt. -- 0-2 -- Ethan Siegle - Luke Opholt over the net for sideout Anthony Amerio - sideout -- Jon Schultz - regular pt. -- 0-3 -- Jon Schultz - Andy Jasculca spikes for pt. -- 0-4 -- Jon Schultz - James Milkert spikes for sideout James Milkert - serves into the net -- Luke Opholt - Kelly LeFevour spikes into the corner for sideout Tim Stratton - Tom Trantow kills for sideout -- Eligah Harrington - Antonio DiCosola gets past the block for sideout Rick Hoffman - Tom Trantow spike is blocked out of bounds for sideout -- Tom Trantow - net foul on OPRF for sideout Greg Wharton - Tom Trantow blaster into the corner for sideout -- Andy Jasculca - Anthony Amerio mishandles return for pt. -- 0-5 -- Andy Jasculca - Luke Opholt kills for pt. -- 0-6 (Timeout York) -- Andy Jasculca - Antonio DiCosola blasts one for sideout Antonio DiCosola - ace serve off of Jon Schultz for pt. -- 1-6 Antonio DiCosola - Luke Opholt hits long for pt. -- 2-6 Antonio DiCosola - serves just inside the backline for pt. -- 3-6 Antonio DiCosola - Tim Stratton can’t get past the block for sideout -- Ethan Siegle - OPRF out of bounds for sideout Anthony Amerio - Tom Trantow down the middle for sideout -- Jon Schultz - Eligah Harrington soft spike into the middle for pt. -- 3-7 -- Jon Schultz - Tom Trantow hits out for sideout James Milkert - Kelly LeFevour blocks for pt. -- 4-7 James Milkert - Tom Trantow blaster into the corner for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Kelly LeFevour kills in fron tof Jon Schultz for pt. -- 4-8 York-OPRF -- York-OPRF -- Luke Opholt - illegal serve for sideout Tim Stratton - Kelly LeFevour tips it just inside the sideline for pt. -- 5-8 Tim Stratton - serves long for sideout -- Eligah Harrington - Antonio DiCosola gets one past Luke Opholt for sideout Rick Hoffman - Dan Zoloto stufs one for sideout -- Tom Trantow - sideout Greg Wharton - Jon Schultz kill is good for sideout -- Andy Jasculca - Luke Opholt kill is touched for pt. -- 5-9 -- Andy Jasculca - Antonio DiCosola kill is long for pt. -- 5-10 -- Andy Jasculca - Antonio DiCosola down the middle for sideout Antonio DiCosola - net serve -- Ethan Siegle - serves long Ryan Wyckoff - double hit on OPRF for pt. -- 6-10 Ryan Wyckoff - Eligah Harrington finds an opening in the middle for sideout -- Jon Schultz - Eligah Harrington blocks for pt. -- 6-11 (Timeout York) -- Jon Schultz - Tim Stratton kill is long for pt. -- 6-12 -- Jon Schultz - Tim Stratton blaster into the corner for sideout James Milkert - Kelly LeFevour gets past the block for pt. -- 7-12 James Milkert - Tom Trantow kill into the corner for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Tim Stratton kills for sideout Tim Stratton - Jon Schultz for pt. -- 8-12 Tim Sratton - Eligah Harrington smashes one into the middle for sideout -- Eligah Harrington - can’t dig out the hit by Antonio DiCosola for sideout Joel Portzer - Jon Schultz can’t return it for pt. -- 9-12 Joel Portzer - Tom Trantow crosscourt kill just inside the backline for sideout -- Tom Trantow - Andy Jasculca stuffs it for pt. -- 9-13 -- Tom Trantow - Kelly LeFevour kills for sideout Kelly LeFevour - net serve -- Andy Jasculca - ace serve off of Antonio DiCosola for pt. -- 9-14 -- Andy Jasculca - James Milkert over the back hit into the middle for sideout Antonio DiCosola - Jon Schultz hits it out for pt. -- 10-14 Antonio DiCosola - Tom Trantow kill is blocked for pt. -- 11-14 (Timeout OP-RF) Antonio DiCosola - Tim Stratton blasts one off of Tom Trantow for pt. -- 12-14 Antonio DiCosola - serves out of bounds for sideout -- Ben Grimes - Tim Stratton inside the backline for sideout Ryan Wyckoff - Eligah Harrington kills for sideout -- Jon Schultz - ace serve off of Tim Stratton for game pt. -- 12-15 Game 2 York-OPRF -- York-OPRF Antonio DiCosola - regular pt. -- 1-0 Antonio DiCosola - Ryan Wyckoff kills along the sideline for pt. -- 2-0 Antonio DiCosola - Tim Stratton blasts one out of bounds for sideout York-OPRF -- York-OPRF -- Jon Schultz - Rick Hoffman kills for sideout Ryan Wyckoff - Rick Hoffman gets one past Luke Opholt for pt. -- 3-0 Ryan Wyckoff - James Milkert blocks Tom Trantow for pt. -- 4-0 (Timeout OP-RF) Ryan Wyckoff - Tom Trantow into the middle past Ryan Wyckoff for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Andy Jasculca hits out of bounds for sideout James Milkert - Tom Trantow into the middle for sideout -- Eligah Harrington - Kelly LeFevour tips it over for sideout Tim Stratton - Antonio DiCosola and Kelly LeFevour block for pt. -- 5-0 Tim Stratton - Rick Hoffman tips it over for pt. -- 6-0 Tim Stratton - Antonio DiCosola is blocked out by Dan Zoloto and Andy Jasculca for pt. -- 7-0 Tim Stratton - Tom Trantow hits out for pt. -- 8-0 Tim Stratton - Tom Trantow down the sideline for sideout -- Tom Trantow - Jon Schultz tips one over for pt. -- 8-1 -- Tom Trantow - Kelly LeFevour is blocked by Jon Schultz for pt. -- 8-2 -- Tom Trantow - Dan Zoloto has an illegal hit for sideout Joel Portzer - net serve -- Andy Jasculca - Kelly LeFevour side shot is good for sideout Greg Wharton - Jon Schultz hits long for pt. -- 9-2 Greg Wharton - James Milkert blocks for pt. -- 10-2 Greg Wharton - Tom Trantow blasts one in front of Tim Stratton for sideout -- Ethan Siegle - Todd Kuna gets past Joel Portzer for pt. -- 10-3 -- Ethan Siegle - Antonio DiCosola through the block for sideout Antonio DiCosola - Greg Wharton down the middle for sideout -- Jon Schultz - net violation on OPRF for sideout Ryan Wyckoff - dump by Eligah Harrington is good for sideout -- Todd Kuna - James Milkert running soft spike into the middle for sideout James Milkert - Tim Stratton kill is out of bounds for pt. -- 11-3 James Milkert - Ethan Siegle spikes for sideout -- Matt Daggett - Tim Stratton is blocked out of bounds by Dan Zoloto for sideout Tim Stratton - Tom Trantow kill is touched for sideout -- Dan Zoloto - serves long Joel Portzer - serves out of bounds -- Andy Jasculca - Antonio DiCosola kill is deflected by Tom Trantow for pt. -- 11-4 -- Andy Jasculca - Todd Kuna goes long for sideout Greg Wharton - Todd Kuna hits into the net for pt. -- 12-4 Greg Wharton - James Milkert hits out for sideout -- Ethan Siegle - Antonio DiCosola stuffs one for sideout Antonio DiCosola - ace serve for pt. -- 13-4 Antonio DiCosola - Todd Kuna crosscourt kill goes out for pt. -- 14-4 Antonio DiCosola - Jon Schultz blasts one crosscourt in front of Joel Portzer for sideout -- Jon Schultz - ace serve in front of Joel Portzer for pt. -- 14-5 -- Jon Schultz - net serve Ryan Wyckoff - Tom Trantow stuffs it for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Tim Stratton blaster for sideout James Milkert - Kelly LeFevour hits it out for sideout -- Matt Daggett - Kelly LeFevour kill is long for pt. -- 14-6 York-OPRF -- York-OPRF -- Matt Daggett - sideout Tim Stratton - ace serve off of Jon Schultz for game pt. -- 15-6 Game 3 York-OPRF -- York-OPRF Antonio DiCosola - Jon Schultz kills for sideout -- Jon Schultz - Ryan Wyckoff gets past the block for sideout Ryan Wyckoff - Eligah Harrington into the middle for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Tim Stratton blasts down the middle for sideout James Milkert - Tom Trantow kill into the corner for sideout -- Eligah Harrington - Tim Stratton hits out of bounds for pt. -- 0-1 -- Eligah Harrington - Kelly LeFevour down the middle for sideout Tim Stratton - Dan Zoloto deep into the corner for sideout -- Tom Trantow - net serve Rick Hoffman - Jon Schultz kill is touched on the way out for sideout -- Andy Jasculca - Jon Schultz mishandles the return for sideout Greg Wharton - Luke Opholt hits long for sideout -- Terry Madden - illegal hit on Eligah Harrington for sideout Antonio DiCosola - Andy Jasculca mishandles the set for pt. -- 1-1 Antonio DiCosola - Jon Schultz into the net for pt. -- 2-1 Antonio DiCosola - Tim Stratton kill is good for pt. -- 3-1 (Timeout OP-RF) Antonio DiCosola - Luke Opholt stuffs one for sideout -- Jon Schultz - serves long Ryan Wyckoff - Tom Trantow crosscourt kill is out of bounds for pt. -- 4-1 Ryan Wyckoff - Tom Trantow crosscourt kill is good for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Tim Stratton blasts one out of bounds for pt. -- 4-2 -- Luke Opholt - Antonio DiCosola running spike for sideout James Milkert - double hit on Andy Jasculca for pt. -- 5-2 James Milkert - Tom Trantow drops one into the middle and Joel Portzer and Antonio DiCosola can’t dig it out -- Eligah Harrington - Kelly LeFevour blasts one off of Luke Opholt for sideout Tim Stratton - net serve -- Andy Jasculca - Dan Zoloto kill goes out for sideout Rick Hoffman - Jon Schultz down the middle for sideout -- Andy Jasculca - Ryan Wyckoff kill is out of bounds for pt. -- 5-3 -- Andy Jasculca - Kelly LeFevour taps it out for pt. -- 5-4 (Timeouth York) -- Andy Jasculca - Antonio DiCosola kill lands just inside the backline for sideout Greg Wharton - Jon Schultz spikes out of bounds for pt. -- 6-4 Greg Wharton - James Milkert blocks into an opening in the middle for pt. -- 7-4 Greg Wharton - Tom Trantow down the middle for sideout -- Ethan Siegle - over the back serve return by James Milkert is good for sideout Antonio DiCosola - ace serve for pt. -- 8-4 Antonio DiCosola - Tim Stratton soft spike into the backline for pt. -- 9-4 York-OPRF -- York-OPRF (Timeout OP-RF) Antonio DiCosola - Jon Schultz hits long for pt. -- 10-4 Antonio DiCosola - Jon Schultz stuffs it for sideout -- Jon Schultz - net violation on Oak Park for sideout Ryan Wyckoff - Tom Trantow blasts one into Antonio DiCosola for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Tim Stratton is blocked out by Eligah Harrington for sideout James Milkert - Tom Trantow is blocked by Kelly LeFevour and Rick Hoffman for pt. -- 11-4 James Milkert - Simon Muellender blocks the serve for sideout -- Eligah Harrington - Kelly LeFevour tips it over for sideout Tim Stratton - Kelly LeFevour quick spike into middle for pt. -- 12-4 Tim Stratton - Tom Trantow kill can’t be returned in three for sideout -- Tom Trantow - Eligah Harrington can’t return it for sideout Rick Hoffman - Tom Trantow running spike down the middle for sideout -- Andy Jasculca - Andy Jasculca mishandles the service return for sideout Kelly LeFevour - serves out of bounds -- Ben Grimes - Antonio DiCosola finds an opening down the side for sideout Antonio DiCosola - Tim Stratton tip gets a pt. -- 13-4 Antonio DiCosola - Tom Trantow blaster into Kelly LeFevour is good for sideout -- Jon Schultz - Tim Stratton kill just inside sideline for sideout Ryan Wyckoff - James Milkert gets past Eligah Harrington for pt. -- 14-4 Ryan Wyckoff - Oq16 gets one past Rick Hoffman for sideout -- Luke Opholt - Tim Stratton just inside backline for sideout James Milkert - Rick Hoffman blocks Tom Trantow for match pt. -- 15-4 Elmhurst (York) (34-3-1) defeats Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest) (32-7) 12-15, 15-6, 15-4 Box Score
Reg. Total A K B Pts. Aces Pts. Elmhurst (York) Tim Stratton 0 15 0 7 1 8 Kelly LeFevour 0 12 4 0 0 0 James Milkert 38 3 3 6 0 6 Anthony Amerio 0 0 0 0 0 0 Joel Portzer 0 0 0 0 1 1 Greg Wharton 0 0 0 5 0 5 Antonio DiCosola 0 10 0 4 3 17 Ryan Wyckoff 0 3 0 4 1 5 Rick Hoffman 0 1 1 0 0 0 Game 1 Totals 15 16 2 9 3 12 Game 2 Totals 11 11 4 12 3 15 Game 3 Totals 12 17 2 15 0 15 Match Totals 38 44 8 36 6 42 Reg. Total A K B Pts. Aces Pts. Oak Park (O.P.-River Forest)) Ethan Siegle 0 0 0 2 0 2 Elijah Harrington 0 5 2 1 0 1 Andy Jasculca 34 1 0 8 1 9 Todd Kuna 0 2 0 0 0 0 Jon Schultz 6 6 1 5 2 7 Matt Daggett 0 0 0 1 0 1 Luke Opholt 0 3 2 2 0 2 Dan Zoloto 0 10 0 0 0 0 Tom Trantow 1 16 1 3 0 3 Game 1 Totals 16 16 4 13 2 15 Game 2 Totals 12 12 2 5 1 6 Game 3 Totals 13 15 0 4 0 4 Match Totals 41 43 6 22 3 25 |