Ottawa (Twp.) Boys Tennis Sectional Results
Posted Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 2:49 pm
These results were submitted by the tournament (or meet) manager. If you notice an error or omission, please call the IHSA Office immediately at 309-663-6377 or e-mail
Scott Johnson.
These results are posted as a convenience to fans and media, and still need to be checked by the IHSA Office for
accuracy and completeness. All names and results appearing on this report are subject to verification by the IHSA Office before advancement is official.
Manager's NoteOttawa won tie with L.P. due to Ottawa having a first place finisher and L.P. having no first place finishers.
Team Scores
Pl School Score
1 Ottawa 27
1 LaSalle Peru 27
3 Dekalb 18
4 Princeton 12
5 Rochelle 8
Pl Player Yr School Score
1 Matt Kulma Jr. Dekalb 6-4;6-3
2 Reo Hammers Jr. LaSalle Peru
3 James Pellican Sr. LaSalle Peru 2-6;6-2;6-4
4 Nick Tabor Sr. Ottawa
Pl Player #1 Yr Player #2 Yr School Score
1 Matt Guenther Sr. David Dobrose Jr. Ottawa 6-2;5-7;6-3
2 Nate Adcock Sr. Nathan Olivero Sr. LaSalle Peru
3 Matt Andersen Sr. Nathan McAlpine Sr. Ottawa 6-4;7-6(6)
4 Lance Jensen Sr. Caleb Tomaszewski Sr. Princeton
Singles Qualifiers Sectional Match ScoresThese round-by-round scores are used by the state final seeding committee.
Pl Player Rd. 1 Rd. 2 Rd. 3 Rd. 4 Rd. 5 Rd. 6
1 Matt Kulma, Dekalb bye 1,0, Good/Streator 0,0 Thomas/Morris 3,0 Pellican/L.P. 4,3 Hammers/L.P.
2 Reo Hammers, L.P. bye 0,1 Melvin/Streator 0,0 Kostello/Princet 4,3 Tabor/Ottawa 4,3 Kulma/Dekalb
3 James Pellican, L.P. bye 3,1 Faletti/St. Bede 4,3 Evensen/Ottawa 3,0 Kulma/Dekalb 2-6;2,4 Tabor/Ottawa
4 Nick Tabor, Ottawa bye 0,0 Bernier/Morris 0,3 O'Rorke/Rochelle 4,3 Hammers/L.P. 6-2;2,4 Pellican/L.P
Doubles Qualifiers Sectional Match ScoresThese round-by-round scores are used by the state final seeding committee.
Pl Players Rd. 1 Rd. 2 Rd. 3 Rd. 4 Rd. 5 Rd. 6
1 Guenther/Dobrose, Ottawa bye 0,0 Mell/Brew Mendot 4,3 Wess/Alv Dekalb 1,4 Jen/Tom Princeto 2;5-7;3 Oliv/Adc L.P
2 Olivero/Adcock, L.P. bye 1,0Dav/Volk Streator 0,0 Chan/Sab Dekalb 0,0 And/McA Ottawa 2;7-5;3 Gue/Dob Otta
3 Andersen/McAlpine, Ottawa bye 1,6-7,0 Mendota 3,4-6,2 Rochelle 0,0 Oliv/Adc L.P. 4,6(6) Jen/Tom Princ
4 Jensen/Tomaszewski, Prin bye 1,0 Haar/Gaut Streat 6(4),6(5) Si/Li L.P. 1,4 Gue/Dob Ottawa 4,6(6) And/McA Ottaw