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LaGrange (Lyons) (0) St. Charles (4)Box Score
1997 IHSA Girls Soccer Tournament Championship Game (#8)
Scoring by Halves 1 2 OT1 OT2 PK Total LaGrange (Lyons) 0 0 0 St. Charles 3 1 4 Shots Shots LaGrange (Lyons) (0) On Off G A CK F 0 Katie Nischik 2 Laura Bozek 1 3 Dina Castillo 4 Christina Matteucci 1 6 Kate Walse 2 1 7 Beth Walse 2 8 Natalia Kleinaitis 9 Lindsey Webster 10 Megan Owens 2 11 Kim Zolk 12 Kelly Mladnik 13 Lana Fouks 14 Mary Beth Gecan 1 15 Jesse Voss` 1 16 Amy Cibula 1 1 17 Jessica Jones 18 Becky Wood 20 Becky Arquilla 21 Courtney Ryan 22 Megan Hryndza 23 Jessica Miller 24 Christy Simeon 1 30 Laura Bacon TOTALS 3 4 0 0 0 7 Shots Shots St. Charles ( 4 ) On Off G A CK F Lynley Hilligoss Laura Rowland 3 Julie Atkocaitis 2 4 Megan Richardt 3 5 Steph Lynch 6 Laurie Seidl 3 1 2 1 1 7 Lisa Himrod 8 Marirose Siegler 4 9 Cortney Ferina 2 1 2 10 Becky Myers 2 1 2 11 Melissa Hefferin 12 Joni Anderson 1 13 Molly Ryan 14 Amanda Wade 1 15 Patrice Feulner 2 16 Meghan Ryan 17 Cherie Peterson 2 2 18 Stephanie Cox 1 3 1 19 Sarah Lynch 3 2 1 20 Sara Beebe 1 21 Anne Poulin 1 1 3 23 Kristin Winterich 1 3 TOTALS 15 10 4 4 5 18Goals: STC Seidl (Myers) 6:22, Lynch (Seidl) 27:45, Lynch (Winterich) 32:36, Seidl (Cox) 63:43 Saves: LT Nischik 10; STC Rowland 3, Hillgoss 0 Yellow Cards:STC Feulner 62:24 Red Cards: Weather:Mild, pleasant, 53 degrees Officials:Randy Brickman, Randy Crady, Steve Davidson Sportsmanship Award Winners: Peoria (Notre Dame), Orland Park (Sandburg), Granite City, Palatine (H.S.), Libertyville, and St. Charles. |