Ethan Kinsella (cq) sits on the steps behind the Doudna Fine Arts Center west of Ninth Street at Garfield Avenue on Friday April 27, 2012, contemplating the lyrics for his next song. "I just like to write songs. I plan to record and play some songs in Champaign too," said Kinsella. Kinsella is a sophomore at Eastern Illinois University and would like to major in English or Philosophy.
Tyler Johnson (left) of Charleston and his father Jim Johnson of Charleston consult a leveling tool while constructing a table for the sculpture class on April 27, 2012 at the Doudna Fine Arts Center west of Ninth street at Garfield Avenue. "We are working on sculpture-like metal tables. They're tables with a sculptural feel to it," said Jim Johnson.
Jenna Slaughter, a senior at Eastern Illinois University, studies in the Red Zone at the Doudna Fine Arts Center west of Ninth Street at Garfiled Avenue on Friday April 27, 2012. Slaughter is working on completing a project for her Biology class.