Fisher Boys Golf Regional Results
Posted Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 2:49 pm
These results were submitted by the tournament (or meet) manager. If you notice an error or omission, please call the IHSA Office immediately at 309-663-6377 or e-mail
Scott Johnson.
These results are posted as a convenience to fans and media, and still need to be checked by the IHSA Office for
accuracy and completeness. All names and results appearing on this report are subject to verification by the IHSA Office before advancement is official.
Manager's NoteIt was a tough day to play and these players all battled hard through the wind and rain on a tough golf course. Fisher won its first Golf Regional in the school's history and the 73 by Fisher's Kevin Clore was quite a score under these conditions.
Golf Course
Name of Golf Course: Railside Golf Cours Length of course (in yards): 6300 Par: 72
First-Place Medalist
Golfer Yr School Scor
Kevin Clore Sr. Fisher High School 73
Advancing IndividualsNOTE: This list includes the top golfers who were not members of an advancing team.
Golfer Yr School Scor
Tyler Eads Sr. Gibson City Melvin Sibley 85
Kyle Pool So. Iroquois West 89
Austin Fancher Sr. Gibson City Melvin Sibley 90
Jake Butler Jr. Donovan 91
Tyler Moews So. Bismarck Henning 91
Brock Peavler Fr. Paxton Buckley Loda 92
Stephen Krout So. Bismarck Henning 93
Brandon Fancher Sr. Iroquois West 96
Chris Witteman So. Gibson City Melvin Sibley 96
Team Results
Pl School Scor Head Coach
1 Fisher High School 365 Milt Kelly
2 Watseka High School 368 Darin Hartman
3 Clinton High School 373 Randy Workman
4 Gibson City Melvin Sibley High School 376 Ben Kelly
5 Bismarck Henning High School 390 Terry French
6 Iroquois West High School 400 Kevin White
7 Leroy High School 414 Mark Edmundson
8 Donovan High School 437 Matt LaFond
9 Paxton Buckley Loda High School 442 Kelli Vaughn
10 Hoopeston Area High School 447 Pete Sollars
11 Blue Ridge High School 451 Neil Kirkpatrick
12 Milford High School 471 Sharon Glasgow
13 Cissna Park Crescent Iroquois High 475 Dallas Meyer
Advancing Team #1
Name of School: Fisher High School
Golfer Yr Scor
Kevin Clore Sr. 73
Cody Warmoth Sr. 87
Dwight Rutledge Sr. 102
Jake Cagle Sr. 103
Jake Warmoth So. 105
Austin Hawk Jr. wd
Advancing Team #2
Name of School: Watseka High School
Golfer Yr Scor
Bradley Crabtree Sr. 89
Derek Wengert Sr. 91
Mike Musk Sr. 94
Casey Schroeder Sr. 94
Zach Guinette Jr. 99
Tanner Harris So. 109
Advancing Team #3
Name of School: Clinton High School
Golfer Yr Scor
Logan Woolridge So. 84
Kaleb Volker Sr. 92
Cole Szymkiewicz Sr. 95
Zach Newberry So. 102
David Blythe Jr. 102
Corey Wisher So. 105