Crete (C.-Monee) Boys Cross Country Regional Results
Posted Saturday, October 20, 2001 at 12:58 pm
These results were submitted by the tournament (or meet) manager. If you notice an error or omission, please call the IHSA Office immediately
at 309-663-6377 or e-mail Scott Johnson at
These results are posted as a convenience to fans and media, and still need to be checked by the IHSA Office for
accuracy and completeness. All names and results appearing on this report are subject to verification by the IHSA Office before advancement is official.
Race Course
Location of Course: Crete-Monee High School Length of course (in miles): 3.0
Top 5 Runners
Pl Runner Yr School Time
1 Davis Ramos Sr. Bloom Township 15:42
2 Christian Reid Jr. T. F. South 16:01
3 Cortez Calvert Thornridge 16:14
4 Eric Comiskey Jr. Thornwood 16:16
5 Francisco Villagomez Sr. Bloom Township 16:30
Advancing Individuals
Runner Yr School Pl Time Coach
Cortez Calvert Thornridge 3 16:14 Albert Llorens
Mark Shaheer Thornton 6 16:37 Alicia Cole
Ryan Stolzenbach Sr. Crete-Monee 12 17:17 Jim Piaskowy
John Morrison Sr. T. F. North 13 17:20 Carl Webb
Ben Loewe Jr. Crete-Monee 24 17:53 Jim Piaskowy
Advancing Teams
Pl School Scor Head Coach
1 Bloom Township 51 Andrew Schmitt
2 T. F. South 61 Glen Smith
3 Homewood-Flossmoor 72 Brian McCarthy
4 Thornwood 97 Gary Haupert
5 Marian Catholic 135 Tim Sovereign
Advancing Team #1
Name of School: Bloom Township
Runner Yr Pl Time
David Ramos Sr. 1 15:42
Francisco Villagomez Sr. 5 16:30
Jorge Partida Jr. 9 16:57
Jeffrey Lee Sr. 18 17:38
Jesse Linton Sr. 20 17:44
Bryan Mitchell Jr. 40 18:41
Michael Linton Sr. 44 18:56
Advancing Team #2
Name of School: T. F. South
Runner Yr Pl Time
Christian Reid Sr. 2 16:01
Steve Reising 8 16:52
Jake Bruene Fr. 14 17:28
Eric Verbeek Jr. 17 17:35
Justin Johnson Jr. 23 17:53
Dan Svendsen So. 25 17:54
Mike Johnson Jr. 37 18:24
Advancing Team #3
Name of School: Homewood-Flossmoor
Runner Yr Pl Time
Nick Drinka Sr. 7 16:42
Brent Barrowes Sr. 10 17:03
Dane Hamann Sr. 15 17:31
Corey Williams Sr. 21 17:48
Mike Turek So. 22 17:51
John Thomas So. 35 18:16
Kris Hult Jr. 39 18:35
Advancing Team #4
Name of School: Thornwood
Runner Yr Pl Time
Eric Comiskey Jr. 4 16:16
Ahrif Sarumi Sr. 16 17:32
Andre Johnson Sr. 26 17:55
Sherwin Clark So. 27 18:02
Brandon Tucker Fr. 28 18:03
William Hahn Sr. 29 18:04
Josh Chatman Sr. 30 18:05
Advancing Team #5
Name of School: Marian Catholic
Runner Yr Pl Time
Nathan Bruni Sr. 11 17:04
Stephen Alcos Sr. 19 17:38
Mark Lofrano So. 31 18:08
Tom Becker Fr. 36 18:22
Josh Utermark Jr. 42 18:46
Mike Hoff So. 48 19:28
Dan Djondo Jr. 55 23:00