From the 2023 IHSA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and IHSA Cheerleading Advisory Committee and approved by the IHSA Board of Directors, the following policy has been adopted. IHSA Policy 39 - Sport Acclimatization/Risk Minimization COMPETITIVE AND SIDELINE CHEERLEADING REST REQUIREMENT One (1) calendar day of rest must be taken every IHSA calendar week where jumping, tumbling, and building skills take place. The IHSA Standardized Calendar week runs Sunday through Saturday. Click here for FAQ's regarding IHSA Policy 39
Run Through Signs - NFHS Spirit Rule 2.1.7
...Performance surfaces and areas must be suitable for spirit activities. Spirit teams in a stunt holding a sign for players to run through is illegal. The proximity of other participants makes stunting in this situation unsafe.

Basketball Post Season
For State Series Contests, per the IHSA Boys/Girls Basketball Terms and Conditons: IX. H. Cheerleader/Mascot: A maximum of twelve (12) cheerleaders and one (1) mascot in costume may be on the floor at any state series contest.
Per the NFHS Spirit Rules Book 3.5.3 - Basket Tosses are prohibited on a gym floor
ART. 3 . . . Tosses are permitted provided all the following conditions are met:
a. The toss is executed only on grass (real or artificial), a mat, or a rubberized track.
b. The toss does not involve more than four tossers, including the person who may set or "load" the top person.
c. One of the tossers is behind the top person throughout the toss.
d. The top person is cradled by at least two of the original tossers and a separate head-and-shoulders spotter who was one of the original tossers.
e. The top person does not hold objects in their hands (e.g., poms, signs, etc.). (P) ART. 4 . . . A toss caught in a vertical stunt by the original bases is permitted