* Last updated at 7:30 am on Thursday, March 27, 2025
Background Information
(Titles, Won-Lost Records, and Head Coaches) |
Richards Career Academy
5009 S. Laflin St. (Google map, other maps)
Chicago, IL 60609-4940
Phone: 773-535-4945
Fax: 773-535-4883
School Web Site: richards.cps.edu
Enrollment: 233.5
Conference(s): Chicago Public
Nickname(s): Warriors (boys), Warriors (girls)
Colors: Royal Blue/White
School Type: Public Coed
County: Cook
Cities in District: Chicago 3 Million
Board Division: 1, Legislative District: 2
IHSA Official Representative: Taryn Miller Tcmiller9@cps.edu
phone 773-535-4882
CEO, Chicago Public Schools: Pedro Martinez
phone 773-553-1500 fax 773-553-1501
Principal: Ellen Kennedy emkennedy@cps.edu
phone 773-535-4945
Principal's Assistant: Martin Walsh mpwalsh@cps.edu
phone 773-534-3212 fax 773-534-3382
Counselor: Yeridiath Bejar ydodsworth@cps.edu
phone 773-535-4945 fax 773-535-4883
Executive Director of Sports Administration (CPS): TBA
Deputy Director of Sports Administration (CPS): Mickey Pruitt mpruitt2@cps.edu
phone 773-553-6729
Boys Athletic Director: Taryn Miller Tcmiller9@cps.edu
phone 773-535-4882
Boys Athletic Director's Assistant: Jameel Mallory jmallory3@cps.edu
Girls Athletic Director: Taryn Miller Tcmiller9@cps.edu
phone 773-535-4882
Girls Athletic Director's Assistant: Jameel Mallory jmallory3@cps.edu
Activities Director: Corbin Leeks corbinleeks@yahoo.com
phone 773-603-4477 fax 773-603-4477
Boys Baseball Head Coach: Alberto Simental asimental2@cps.edu
Boys Basketball Head Coach: Corbin Leeks corbinleeks@yahoo.com
Boys Bowling Head Coach: Diego Jacobo-Chacon djacobochacon@cps.edu
Boys Cross Country Head Coach: Jameel Mallory jmallory3@cps.edu
Boys Football Head Coach: Shawn Gray shawngray8@yahoo.com
Boys Softball Head Coach: TBA
Boys Soccer Head Coach: Osvaldo Rodriguez orodriguez49@cps.edu
Boys Track & Field Head Coach: Duran Stewart dmstewart3@cps.edu
Boys Volleyball Head Coach: Shawn Gray shawngray8@yahoo.com
Boys Volleyball Head Coach: Taryn Miller Tcmiller9@cps.edu
Boys Wrestling Head Coach: TBA
Girls Basketball Head Coach: Taryn Miller Tcmiller9@cps.edu
Girls Bowling Head Coach: Gabriela Lopez glopez139@cps.edu
Girls Cross Country Head Coach: Candance Brahm can.brahm@gmail.com
Competitive Cheerleading Head Coach: Tanya Smith Tsmith6@cps.edu
Competitive Dance Head Coach: Tanya Smith Tsmith6@cps.edu
Girls Softball Head Coach: Angy Santin aasantin1@cps.edu
Girls Soccer Head Coach: Gabriela Lopez glopez139@cps.edu
Girls Track & Field Head Coach: Candance Brahm can.brahm@gmail.com
Girls Volleyball Head Coach: Taryn Miller Tcmiller9@cps.edu
Certified Athletic Trainer: TBA
Chess Coach: Thomas Conley tconley12@cps.edu
Marching Band Director: Aaron Konieczko akonieczko1@cps.edu
Scholastic Bowl Coach: TBA