IHSA Announcements
December 19, 2000
2000 Annual Referendum Ballots Counted
All three proposals in the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) annual referendum were
approved by the membership when ballots were counted in the IHSA Office Tuesday (Dec. 19).
Tabulation of the ballots concluded the annual process in which the membership votes on
proposals to change the Association's Constitution and/or By-laws. It begins each fall
when any member principal submits a proposal to the IHSA Legislative Commission. The
Commission meets twice in November. The first time proponents and/or opponents of each
submitted proposal appear before the Commission to discuss a proposal's merits. Then
statewide Town Meetings are held at 21 sites and the pros and cons of each submitted
proposal are reviewed by the elected Commission member with constituents. Following the
Town Meetings, the Commission meets for a final time and votes to place or not to place
each submitted proposal on the annual ballot. This year nine proposals were submitted and
the Commission placed three on the ballot.
Each member school may cast a vote for or against each proposal on the ballot. Ballots are
mailed back to the IHSA Office for tabulation. A simple majority carries or defeats each
proposal. Each of the proposals becomes effective July 1, 2001. Following is the breakdown
of the voting in the 2000 annual referendum process:
Proposal No. 1: Yes 539, No 8. Amend Article 1.370 of the Constitution to direct
the IHSA Board of Directors to meet at least ten (10) times per year.
Proposal No. 4: Yes 501, No 46. Amend Section 3.071 (Student By-laws) by revising
and relocating it as a new Section 2.140 (School By-laws) to modify the physical
examination requirement. The approved proposal takes the responsibility from the student
and gives it to the student's school. It requires each member school to have on file for
each student who participates (including practice) a certificate of fitness issued by a
licensed physician as set forth in the School Code not more than 365 days preceding any
date of participation in any such practice, contest or activity.
Proposal No. 9: Yes 393, No 154. Amend Section 6.021 of the By-laws by creating
options for penalty to a school when it uses an ineligible student in any interscholastic
contest. The approved proposal provides that one or more of the following actions may
apply to the use of an ineligible student: suspension of the student from further
competition, or placement of the school on probation for one (1) calendar year, or
forfeiture of the contest. The proposal also provides that the IHSA Executive Director or
Board of Directors may set aside any penalties if it is determined the facts, findings or
other information demonstrates the ineligible student provided the school false
information upon which the student was certified eligible.